Dear Friends,
After near ten years from the beginning of this common adventure, Dona Holleman decided to entrust to me with the presidency of the Association, maintaining, as Honorary President, the role of indisputable mentor of its general guidance.
As of today the Association plays the fundamental role in the training of the new Centered Yoga teachers, and the maintenance of its original method.
Starting from this year I am going to reorganize the Association with new aims for the teacher trainings, still maintaining its original roots.
We are living in an unstable juncture, with a consequent impossibility to plan and realize our lives. Therefor I would like to be a reference point, defending opportunities open to everyone and giving spiritual welcome, to provide new capabilities to face the news.
At the same time I will deliver theoretical-practical, methodological and relational training courses.
Based on this assumption the Association is open to embrace new disciples keen on undertaking:
– teacher trainings;
– specialization courses personally taught by Dona Holleman;
– development opportunities for former students who will give us the precious contribution result of their experience;
– workshops with influential figures in the yoga world.
The association changes its name to highlight two fundamental aspects.
The International Centered Yoga Association becomes the Centered Yoga Dona Holleman ASD, wih its headquarter in a fascinating building in Rome, in the charming Prati district
The Centered Yoga Dona Holleman ASD will maintain the possibility to provide the teacher trainings even in other schools which, in addition to practicing their independent activity, will host Dona Holleman’s courses with trained teachers (as in Francesca Petrilli’s Centered Yoga Studio in Milan)
At the Centered Yoga Dona Holleman ASD headquarter in Rome
- teacher trainings
- weekly courses
- in-depth lessons
will take place.
Our purpose is to preserve the teaching received by Dona Holleman and the greatest yoga masters, training new teachers aware of their fundamental role for the personal development.
The Association is a mean of developing our own individualities, but also a hotbed of collaboration based on union, communication, active participation of the members and a constant relationship between teacher and disciple. Those principles lead to a ‘traditional’ yoga practice as well as its deeply new application, independent from physical or age limits.
The Association website itself (www.centeredyogadonaholleman.org) professes this dynamism giving a space to those who want to share their personal yogini story or their aspirations.
The website, as our socials, will change trading name in view of the September reopening.
I hope, and I will be delighted, you will be part of this great change, participating in our activities.
Patrizia Gregori