This is going to be a series of articles that deal with the current world situation. My belief is that we are witnessing a ‘split’, and that each one of us has to make his or her decision which side of the split to be in. As the subject is vast and there are many aspects to it, I need to proceed very slowly.
Dona Holleman
As a yoghini of almost 70 years I have of course studied Vedanta, and in particular Advaita Vedanta of Shri Shankaracharya. Already in university I started to read on the subject, but that took really off when I went to India in 1964. I started reading almost everything I could lay my hands on, but Vedanta, and in particular Advaita Vedanta, was and remained my main yogic interest.
‘A’ means ‘not’ in Sanskrit, and in the word ‘dvaita’ we can easily recognize the word ‘dual’. So ‘A-dvaita’ would be ‘non-dual’ and ‘Advaita Vedanta’ the ‘teaching of non-duality’. It is also known as ‘Sanatana dharma’, which means the ‘Eternal teaching’. I will use both names in these articles.
This is in contrast to all ‘religions’, which are dualistic. In religion there is a ‘god’ who ‘creates’ the world, but is not part of it, and often is rather harsh and vindictive with his creation, and demands that humans ’behave’, or else…
Advaita Vedanta teaches that in the Universe there is only One thing, and nothing else. This One thing they called Brahma (see also the ‘Brahma Sutra). Everything that exists, from the smallest ant to the farthest galaxy, is Brahma. All manifestations that exist are manifestations of Brahma. This again is in contrast with religions, where ‘god’ is outside ‘creation’.
As such everything is a manifestation of Brahma. Each human being is a manifestation of Brahma, and as such is called ‘jivan’, or ‘atman’ (Adam in the Bible). There is a famous story of a student of Advaita who asks his teacher about Brahma, at which the teacher gives an explanation with the words: Tat Tvam Asi: you are That.
I quote here:
Tat Tvam Asi (Sanskrit: तत् त्वम् असि or तत्त्वमसि), a Sanskrit sentence, translated variously as “That art thou,” “That thou art,” “Thou art that,” “You are that,” or “That you are,” is one of the Mahāvākyas (Grand Pronouncements) in Vedantic Sanatana Dharma. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7,[1] in the dialogue between Uddalaka and his son Śvetaketu; it appears at the end of a section, and is repeated at the end of the subsequent sections as a refrain. The meaning of this saying is that the Self – in its original, pure, primordial state – is wholly or partially identifiable or identical with the Ultimate Reality that is the ground and origin of all phenomena. Major Vedantic schools offer different interpretations of the phrase: Advaita – absolute equality of ‘tat’, the Ultimate Reality, Brahman, and ‘tvam’, the Self, Atman.
With this teaching in mind, that everything is Brahma, and that nothing exists outside Brahma, I leave this for the moment to come back to it later in subsequent articles, and zoom forward to the twenty-first century.
One of the greatest scientists ever, Albert Einstein, said: “Everything in life is vibration”. There is nothing in the Universe that does not vibrate, every molecule, all the particles in the universe, our bodies, earth, everything vibrates, stars, galaxies, and the whole universe, are all in constant vibration, they are all vibrating at a certain frequency.
String theory also says: Everything in the Universe is made up of extremely small, one dimensional vibrating objects known as strings. It is the vibrational state of the strings which is responsible for mass, charge and other properties of matter. These strings are the smallest things in the universe.
As all things are made up of these tiny vibrating strings, it means that everything present in the universe vibrates at some frequency.
And according to Nicola Tessla, who is considered to be the greatest genius of all times, if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. For instance, according to him, the universe vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz.
Do I dare compare Sanatana Dharma with Nicola Tessla? That the ancient Hindus saw correctly and that they called this vibrating energy ‘Brahma?’. And that ‘Tat Tvam Asi’ means that each and every one of us is ‘That?’ And that there exists nothing else: ‘A-dvaita?’
So, according to Nicola Tessla, everything is energy, vibration and frequency, in which frequency is the speed of the vibration.
The whole universe is energy, vibration and frequency, and so is each and every one of us, each jivan, each atman, is energy, vibration and frequency.
Our home planet, earth, vibrates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This is the natural frequency of the earth called the Schumann Resonance. You can think of the earth as a gigantic dynamo, in which all living things, animals, plants, trees, and people are plugged in to get their energy.
The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency hum created from lightnings.
Flashes of lightning that strike around the earth about 50 times every second create low frequency electromagnetic waves (ELF) that encompass the planet. These waves may have an effect on human behaviour, think some scientists.
The waves were named after Winfried Otto Schumann, in honor of his work on global resonances in the mid-1950s. First measured in the early 1960s, the very low-frequency waves (with the base at 7.83 Hertz) oscillate between higher and lower energy.
The frequency 7.83 Hz has been called the Earth’s “heartbeat.” Progressively weaker harmonics have been measured at around 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz.
The resonances fluctuate with variations in the ionosphere, with the intensity of solar radiation playing a major part. At night, for example, that part of the ionosphere becomes thinner.

There are certain frequencies that can change our moods and health. For example, if you hear a low frequency of around 19 Hz you will start to feel fear. Although humans are unable to hear such low frequencies, since audible range of humans is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, but still around 19 Hz will produce feelings of anxiety and fear without anyone being able to hear.
In the same way you will feel relaxed and calm in the presence of 432 Hz frequency, the frequency of the universe . Not only does this 432 Hz frequency have many healing effects on our mind and body, it shows how our bodies react to different frequencies. Our human body vibrates at a natural frequency of 7,5 Hz, which is quit close to the natural of the earth or Schumann Resonance, which is 7.83 Hz.
I will finish this first article with the various frequencies that we human beings experience in the brain. There is a specific frequency associated with each particular mental or emotional state.
Underneath the chart of the various frequencies in Hz which I found on the internet:
700 + Enlightenment
600 Peace
540 Joy
500 Love
400 Reason
350 Acceptance
310 Willingness
250 Neutrality
200 Courage
175 Pride
150 Anger
125 Desire
100 Fear
75 Grief
50 Apathy
30 Guilt
20 Shame
Higher frequencies means higher vibrations which corresponds to a high energy state. You can see that ‘good’ emotions have higher frequencies and ‘bad’ emotions have lower frequencies.
In the state of Enlightenment the frequency is highest, which is more that 700 Hz, and the emotion of shame corresponds to the lowest frequency or vibration, which is equal only to 20 Hz.
At the highest level of frequencies like 700 Hz or more, our mind enters into the state of super consciousness.
Super consciousnesses a blissful state of self realisation. This egoless state is beyond the conscious and the subconscious states of the mind.
With this chart we can understand life better in a scientific way. especially the frequencies of peace, neutrality, and desire.
The frequency of peace is the second highest frequency after enlightenment. It shows how peace is at a higher level than even joy and love.
It means when we are calm, cool and at peace we vibrate at higher frequency in comparison to a person in love or a person enjoying pleasures of worldly things.
The second emotional frequency is the frequency of neutrality. The frequency of neutrality is 250 Hz which is higher than the frequencies of courage and pride emotions. It means that we vibrate at a higher frequency when we are in a neutral state. A neutral state frequency is higher as compared to the frequencies of the states of courageousness or the moments of pride.
Another frequency of emotion is the frequency of desire. The chart show how bad the emotion of desire is. It has a lower frequency that even anger itself. The emotion of desire seems silent and harmless, but is the root cause of all evil emotions. All actions, good or bad, start with some desire in the mind. Anger arises from unfulfilled desires.
So everything in life is vibration, even our mental states and emotions. Therefore what type of person we are, our personality, our nature and behaviour, also depends on the types of frequencies that predominate in our brain.
Repetitive patterns of neural activities in the central nervous system are called neural oscillations or brain waves.
There are five types of brain waves. They are delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma in the increasing order of frequencies.
Delta brainwaves
The delta brainwaves are the lowest frequency, while gamma brainwaves are the highest frequency. All types of brain waves are present in the brain at the same time, but one type of brain wave is generally predominant while performing a certain type of activity.
Delta waves lie between the frequency range of 0.1 to 3.5 Hz. They are the lowest frequency. They are more in sleeping in a dreamless state. It is considered the healing state. Information contained in the unconscious mind is accessed through delta waves. When the level of delta waves increases the person becomes less aware of the physical world.
Theta brainwaves. They have a frequency range of 4-8 Hz, which is higher that delta waves. Theta brainwaves are the repository of emotions, memories and sensations. It belongs to the state between wakefulness and sleep. These brain waves are related to meditation and daydreaming, and also when mind as at deep rest, insightful and in lower conscious state. They are more easily detectable while performing some simple tasks that do not need our attention like brushing teeth, taking shower etc.
Alpha brain waves are in the frequency between 8 – 12 Hz.
They are the strongest when we are fully relaxed, mentally and physically. The mood is calm and the brain is conscious. They are more noticeable when our eyes are closed. Alpha brain waves are the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious mind. They are observed more while doing yoga or tasks that involve creativity.
Beta brainwaves are in the frequency of 13 – 32 Hz. They are more easily observed during active thinking, problem solving, decision making or active conversation. In this state the brain is fully alert and awake.
Gamma brainwaves are in the range of 32 – 40 Hz, which is highest in comparison to the other frequencies. They are found in every part of the brain. They are more found when we use the brain to it maximum capacity and are deeply involved in problem solving and calculations.
So we are all, living and non-living things, nothing but vibrational energies. Through various techniques we can learn to ‘choose’ which frequency we want to ‘cultivate’.
I think that we have arrived at a cross road in history in which we, as the human race, have to consciously learn to raise our vibration to a higher level in order to avoid annihilation and move on to the next evolutionary stage.
The scope of these articles is to do just that, in order to navigate a fast changing world. As such I will touch many subjects in the following articles, both yogic/Hindu as well as modern subjects..
End of the first article.