In this article I would like to show how the body functions. Many people do a lot of positions, and often they damage the body in the process. If you understand, however, how the body functions, you can do all the positions without damaging the body. It is an...


PART ONE Sit in Padmasana or half Padmasana. Close the eyes and keep the head up, keeping the hands loosely on the knees with the palms facing upwards (savasana rotation of the arms). This helps to keep the shoulder blades down. We have to find the gravitational...
Mula Bandha breathing with Jalandhara Bandha

Mula Bandha breathing with Jalandhara Bandha

The following essay is drawn from old pranayama classes that I held in Holland in the eighties Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana Bring the head down in Jalandhara Bandha. Close the eyes and follow the movement internally. The teacher can only say things, show things, but...
Message by Dona Holleman

Message by Dona Holleman

Dear Friends This letter is to communicate that I am retiring and will no longer teach yoga.I have spent 63 years of my life practicing and teaching yoga, fulfilling the karma for which I came into this matrix. I have had the good, the bad and the ugly from...
Ramblings of an old Yoghini – Second part

Ramblings of an old Yoghini – Second part

Natha yoga  has its roots in Advaita Vedanta. ‘A’ means ‘not’ and ‘dvaita’ means ‘two’. So Advaita means ‘not two’. This means that there is only ONE ‘thing’, and the yogi’s  called this one ‘thing’ BRAHMA. I have written about this extensively in Ramblings...
Ramblings of an old Yoghini – First part

Ramblings of an old Yoghini – First part

This is going to be a series of articles that deal with the current world situation. My belief is that we are witnessing a ‘split’, and that each one of us has to make his or her decision which side of the split to be in. As the subject is vast and there are many...